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I’ve Had an Accident: What’s Next?

In all likelihood, you've experienced a traffic accident at one time or another, or will at least once in your lifetime. If a collision does occur, it's often disorienting and some people don't know what to do.

In case of an accident, it's most important to be prepared. In your glove box, carry what is required by state law. In some states this could include your registration and a current insurance card. It may also be a good idea to have important phone numbers, personal contact information for emergency response workers in case you are unable to respond, and possibly a disposable camera to record the scene. You should call the police to the scene right away, and if needed, medical assistance.

During this stressful time, provide only the information required, especially to the other party involved. While waiting for the police to arrive, get the facts regarding the accident including the name, address and phone number of everyone involved as well as their insurance information.

Think twice about those accidents when people suggest not reporting the accident to the police or the insurance company. An accident is not something most people are prepared for. Experts say that you should get help from police and your insurance agent as soon as possible, to get through what can be an emotional ordeal.