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What sort of driver are you?

Have you been accused of being more than a tad impatient with your fellow drivers on the road recently?

Has your family had to tell you to "calm down" more than once in the past month as you express your dissatisfaction with another person's driving skills through a long and emphatic compression of your car horn?

Do you often find yourself communicating with other drivers through hand signals?

Perhaps you need to take the online "Driving Personality Test" available at and find out whether you are simply a bit impatient behind the wheel, or whether you are a true candidate for Road Rage-oholics Anonymous.

While the 14-question test can yield some fascinating insights into your true driving persona, it may also manage to bring you a chuckle or two of self-recognition as you take a closer look at your own driving habits.

You are asked to honestly judge how you would react if you were stuck in a traffic jam on a hot summer day. Possible responses could range from, "take time to relax and wind down," "use this valuable time to make eye contact with someone cute," or "vent by swearing, honking your horn and hitting anything in your car."

Another question outlines the scenario of someone who has had a really, really bad day and then finds themselves eyeball-to-eyeball with a fluffy-tailed squirrel. Potential multiple choice responses from "slow down" to "go for road kill" are offered.

The test even examines the ultimate measure of driver self control - the old "another-driver-pulls-into-the-parking-spot-you-had-been-waiting-for" scenario.

Your choice of answers range from, "take off to keep searching" to "start pulling in anyway, prepared to bump the space-snatching car out of the spot."

One question asks what your reaction would be to a driver who cut you off when you had a child in the car. Would your reaction be the benign, "ignore the driver" or the more demonstrative, "shout swear words that would make a sailor blush," or one of the other options that fall somewhere in between?

At one point in the test, you are asked to rate how often you practice behaviors such as "verbalizing or wishing physical harm on other drivers," "braking suddenly to scare a tailgater," "cutting into lanes while everyone else waits (exits, bridges)," or how often you "try to run someone off the road."

Finally the test examines whether you change the way you drive depending on who is in the vehicle with you. For example, one question asks if you drive more dynamically if "attractive members of the opposite sex (or your own sex if you are gay/bi) are observing or riding with you."

My final score was 5 out of 100 for my "Driving Index" and 3 out of 100 for my "Frequency of Road Rage Behavior." It concluded that I was "one calm, cool driver" and that I didn't "jeopardize my own mental and physical well-being" and that I "certainly don't endanger the lives of others with whom I share the road."

There was a banner advertisement on the bottom of the page below the summation of the test results which might just come in handy for more than a few drivers after the view their results.

It began, "Looking for a therapist? ... Search no more!"

Michelle Groh-Gordy is the owner of InterActive! Traffic School Online at , and writes a syndicated weekly column on driving for the publications of the Los Angeles Newspaper Group.