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Two Points Not a Win For Your Driving Record

When it comes to driving, there are a dozen correct answers to that question. There are 12 vehicle code regulations in California that you can violate to earn the DMV's equivalent of the Scarlet Letter of driving: a two-point offense on your driving record.

If a single point on your driving record can put a painful squeeze on your wallet by increasing your insurance premiums as much as 20 percent (depending on your driving record and insurance policy provisions), a two-point offense might just leave you seeking alternate means of transportation altogether.

Most common traffic violations are worth a single point. If you drive a little too fast or too slow, if you do a graceful "California Roll" through a stop sign, or if you think a traffic light that just turned yellow means "go faster," you might be well-acquainted with one-point offenses.

Once every 18 months, you can do a little traffic school time as penance, and presto! Your point is masked on your DMV record and your insurance company is none the wiser. However, if you get a second single-point violation in 18 months and go to traffic school for it, the point will be visible on your driving record as "dismissed." Your savvy little insurance professional will then know that you had a second violation in an 18-month period and may raise your rates accordingly. So much for circumventing the system.

While the DMV says you are a negligent driver if you receive four cumulative points in one year, six points in two years or eight points in three years, your insurance agency will probably stop having warm, fuzzy thoughts about you after you receive even one two-point offense. Aside from the horrific potential many two-point offenses have for causing injury or even death, the list of additional possible consequences is daunting. Jail time. Huge fines and penalty assessments. Impound fees. Court fees. Attorney fees. Expensive, court-ordered correctional classes. The previously mentioned No More Mr./Mrs. Nice Guy from your insurance agent. Oh, and for many of the offenses, the DMV will assure that your driver's license becomes as worthless as a three-dollar bill.

Two-point offenses in California:
  • Evading a peace officer/reckless driving

  • Driving while license is suspended or revoked

  • Hit and run with injury or property damage

  • Driving on the wrong side of a divided highway

  • Driving at speeds over 100 mph

  • Reckless driving

  • Reckless driving causing bodily injury

  • Speed contest/exhibition of speed

  • Minor driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.05 percent or more

  • Driving under the influence (DUI) of an alcoholic beverage or drugs

  • DUI/causing bodily injury or death

  • Transporting explosives

How do you avoid getting hit with the double-point whammy? It's like I always tell my sons -- you don't have to worry about getting caught if you don't do anything wrong in the first place.

This article courtesy Michelle Groh-Gordy and InterActive! Traffic School