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Teen Drivers

The number one cause of death among teenagers isn't drugs or alcohol - it's car crashes. In fact, the fatality rate for teenage drivers is nearly four times higher than for drivers past their teenage years. Here are some tips on how parents can help teenagers improve their driving skills.

Experts say begin by making the car safe. Make sure your teen's car has airbags and anti-lock brakes. Cars that are newer are usually safer because they have more safety features, including the latest in crash protection technology. Another good idea to help reduce potential distractions by limiting the number of passengers allowed in the car with your teen, as well as the hours during which they are allowed to drive. Data from the National Traffic and Safety Administration shows that 63 percent of teen deaths occur when there are multiple teens in the same vehicle and more than half of teen crashes happen at night.

Also, make sure your teen has the proper equipment in their vehicle before hitting the road - including a cell phone with emergency road service numbers and emergency supplies like a spare tire, lug wrench and flashlight. And the number one safety measure is seatbelts, which reduce their risk of injury or even death by nearly 50 percent.