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Don’t Procrastinate on Pre-Vacation Automotive Check Up

Many motorists simply never get around to maintaining or repairing their automobiles. With vacation time upon us, that's scary news. It spells trouble, not only for these drivers, but for other motorists on the road with them.

A good example of this tendency to delay needed maintenance is found in the results of a survey conducted by the Car Care Council Women's Board. When women motorists detected brake trouble, 21% waited up to three and a half weeks before having the car serviced.

Male drivers are also guilty of procrastinating. There are several reasons motorists delay maintenance and repairs. Some dread the financial burden, while others are busy and simply choose not to schedule an appointment.

Here are tips for getting the family vehicle checked out before the big trip.

  • Earmark funds; Along with your vacation budget, set aside some money to have your car checked out and repaired if needed.

  • Call in advance; Make an appointment at least three weeks prior to your trip. This allows time have repairs performed, if needed.

  • Tell your technician why you're there (ie. leaving on a road trip and need everything checked from tires to belts to fluids.)

Courtesy of The Car Care Council