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Fantastic Automotive Technologies That We Don’t Yet Have

Continuing with the theme started by a newspaper in Florida, that of great new automotive technologies, I thought I would also prepare a list of some of the technologies we don't yet have, but need. And, of course, this is all just for fun.

Rear-Seat Passenger Silencer (RSPS): keeps children quiet at all times.

Gender-Sensing Global Positioning System (GSGPS): gives men directions regardless of whether they ask for them.

Steering Wheel Proximity Limiter (SWPL): keeps drivers from sitting too close to the steering wheel and clutching it too tightly.

Distraction Limiter System (DLS): sends a very slight electrical pulse through the driver's seat if any of the following activities are detected while the vehicle is in motion: shaving, reading, cell phone use, makeup application, sleeping, retrieving items from the floor, watching television, beer can between the legs, etc.

Four-Side Bumpers (FSB): can be added by insurance companies to vehicles that make contact with foreign objects on a regular basis.

Got any ideas of your own?